Theologian of the Cross

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Cookeville, TN, United States
I teach humanities at Highland Rim Academy in Cookeville, Tennessee. I am also licensed to preach in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.


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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Europe, Round 2

After spending a relaxing week at home in the States, I'm now back in Europe, through which I'll be travelling until Jan. 16. I'm now in Rome, where I will stay until Jan. 1. The current plan is to go to Greece after leaving Rome. I'm uber-excited about getting to visit the lands of the classical world (especially in light of my classical humanities minor)!

While home, I was able to finish reading Sproul's The Holiness of God and also began-and-nearly-finished reading J.I. Packer's Knowing God (I left it at home intentionally, since I only wanted to bring one extra-biblical book with me, and since I wanted to bring something that would last me the entire trip). And so, besides my Bible, I've brought with me an abridged version of Augustine's City of God, which I've been wanting to read for quite some time.

Knowing God was an amazing book, and I would wish that every Christian might read it. The book consists of a number of essays on various aspects of God's character, what it means to know God, and how Christianity and Biblical truths should manifest themselves in the personal piety of Christians.